
The Best of my Day…

November 24, 2022

Walking carefully out of the Blood Bank station, I was acutely aware of  my body’s weakness.  I gave blood regularly and was very aware of feeling faint.  But I could tell this was a combo of low blood pressure, and also  the incredible heat outside.  Not good.

That said , I needed to get a couple errands done and get home quickly so I headed to the  Pharmacy first.  Upon entering,  I put my mask on as a requirement for Covid 19 which didn’t help my situation  with the heat and lightheaded feeling.  Approaching the counter , I knew I must sit down now and proceeded to the chair at the far end of the counter.  The man behind the counter looked at me and said “can I help you”?  Explaining that I was faint, and that I was there for a pick up, he retrieved my medication and my birthdate verification as I quickly signed the pad and began to walk to the car.  The heat was oppressive and the car must cool fast or I would be laid out in the parking lot soon.

Heading to the food store, I breathed deeply and slowly thinking that I wanted to check to make sure that meds were correct as it was a new medication called in by the Doctor.   I parked, gathered my thoughts and reached for the pharmacy bag to check  and realized  this was not the correct medication.  Calling the pharmacy to explain that I would be returning they explained there would be a cost as insurance doesn’t pay for this one.

Well, better go back now because if I  get ice cream or butter, these items won’t last in car in the heat.

Back to the food store:  Ok,  “lets get this done”, I said to myself walking into the store and heading toward the veggies.  Suddenly , and there isn’t another word to describe,    the basket headed to the restroom on an urgent mission.  Prespiring and lightheaded I entered the restroom to find it three deep with ladies.  There was no other answer but to wait. 

I focused on an infant that was an estimated two months old and the face of truly of an angel.  I wondered how we all start so precious and serine  only to end up in a different way later in the life.  Staring at this precious human being in these close quarters with my condition  gave me the strength to wait for an open stall.  The Mom was busy with a child in one of the stalls, who was struggling to complete her business, as she explained to her mother. So, the Mom continued to support and encourange her to hurry  while checking on her sleeping infant. 

 Then , a creature of around four years old pops out of the  stall.

Complete with designer childs mask, a pink

princess skirt, pink boots and blond curls , she heads to the sink for

the next part of this experience.

 I break from my trance and head the next stall.

Struggling to gather an item out of the refridgerated section, of course the

phone rings and I reach to answer placing milk in the cart.  My husband is

inquiring where am I and will I be home soon.  Doing my best to multitask, I 

hear a muted little voice behind me. Turning to address her is the child in

princess dress, saying to me,  “ I’m sorry that I took so long in the bathroom”.

 As this child returned to her Mother , the Tears streamed down and under my

mask.  I wish that I could have hugged them and did with my heart. 

A Great

Mom is among us!

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