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  • Creativity

    Lemon Lane

    Smooth, if Myers Otherwise , somewhat bumpy Yellow and bright Can be thick of skin or thin like a Myers, without seeds. Also, large seeded But most of all the meat of this citrus…

    August 22, 2021
  • Experience

    A Good Day to do Nothing

    As I devise my schedule for the day I have added a category to  do nothing.  A very special and rare  category that  will need to be slowly developed as not to get too…

    March 26, 2018
  • Creativity

    Nature Blessed

    Geese  move  all in one, pointed wonders reach  for the source. River and streams   fed  from great waters of the Chesapeake Bay, We appreciate its bounty. Large fields ,  growth  and remains, Come and…

    July 9, 2014
  • Creativity Experience


    Learning who you are is something important.     The actual person that I was to become stayed contained and only in my writings did I reflect through my growing years. As they say “The…

    June 8, 2014
  • Experience

    If you are so inclined

    What makes us as humans so particular ?   Like the idea that  we should  like things in our lives to meet a standard  is not unusual?   But, what we choose is  something…

    June 30, 2013
  • Travel

    The Magic of Butterflies

    My husband called me to the window for this one.   I told him that this  is why  the lavender is there.  The bees had a field day( no pun intended) this week also.   There…

    June 30, 2013
  • Experience

    Dazed, Amazed and Dangled

    We humans have the capacity to grow in many directions yet there are roadblocks set up in the psyche that will deter us from this process.   The mind makes sure that all is clear…

    July 14, 2012
  • Creativity Experience

    Music Essentials

    Our relationship to music is one of the most interesting in life. We do not have a relationship with the person/persons who write, play or sing the music; however it can go directly to…

    July 23, 2011
  • Experience

    Grace my Soul

    I have come to you my friends to speak, to wonder and to grace the soul.   I speak of those we’ve known   who have lived among us, and have passed.   Lately, I find this…

    May 20, 2011